Sunday, June 21, 2015

Signs of Drug and Alcohol Addiction, And How Detox Can Help

Signs of Drug and Alcohol Addiction, And How Detox Can Help

You thought you had it all under control. You make an excuse to your concerned friends and family that you drink alcohol only for de-stressing and relaxation, but now you are not so sure. Alcohol abuse is very hard to detect, but there are always telltale signs that indicate a person is relying very heavily on alcohol with potentially destructive effects. Incidentally, the same situation applies for drug abuse and addiction. What are the clear symptoms that show how alcoholism and drug addiction has gone too far, and how can detox help those who want to get their life back from the deadly reaches of drugs and alcohol?

The Signs and Symptoms of Abuse

-It all starts off with a seemingly harmless taste. Hanging out with friends becomes a chance for smoking a joint. A goodwill offer of cocaine at a party. Those who use drugs or alcohol for the first time makes them feel good at first, as it temporarily numbs the pain or their problems in life. Gradually, the desire to drink and use drugs becomes stronger, and pretty soon they consume and take it almost everyday.

-Those who have a potential alcohol addiction may feel ashamed or guilty about their drinking habits, and lie or hide it from the ones who show concern for the individual. They have also developed a strong tolerance for alcohol and repeatedly drink more than what is needed.

-Warning bells should go off if you see a friend taking drugs or drinking alcohol in potentially dangerous and risky situations. Those who drink and drive should be immediately warned and led to see the errors and complications that they can do while drinking on the road. Appealing to their good side and giving them a clear picture of what can happen, all the risks and how they can directly change other people's lives by being reckless can defuse the situation. Medicine and alcohol are not a good match, especially if that person was already warned by the doctor or physician. Working under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is also an obvious cry for help and should be noticed immediately.

-Physical manifestations, often leading into degeneration are also signs that the individual is relying too much on drugs and alcohol. Bloodshot and unfocused eyes are bad signs, as well as an unusual and lasting odor or stink on the user's breath, body or even clothing. Additional signs include big bags of dark lines under the eyes from too little sleep, a massive weight loss and deterioration of grooming and personal hygiene. Slurring, impaired coordination, violent outbursts and prolonged periods of depression and moodiness are all warning signs that the person needs help.

-Neglecting responsibilities at home or school because of alcohol's effect, or they think that drugs are more important. Not taking care of the kids, wife and family because that person blacks out from drinking too much, or is high and unable to do anything. Skipping school or work in order to get high, or forgetting about prior commitments and relationships. This negatively affects the healthy relationships that was already established, causing rifts and conflict in family and with friends.

How Can Detox Help?

Admitting that you need help in recovering from drug and alcohol addiction is the first step to healing. The second step is purging your body of all the unhealthy abuse that illegal substances and destructive alcohol has done. A complete detox can be done with assistance from highly qualified professionals and experts who will work with patients step by step, every step of the way. Letting go of drug and alcohol dependence can be one of the hardest task to accomplish for these patients, as they believe that life is full or problems and hardship without it. Recovery from drugs and alcohol will simply not work without providing a detox treatment from the substance. A detox is not just purging the body of harmful material, in this case, alcohol and illegal drugs, but it is also the process of helping the patient take a hard look and assessment of his or her life and determining the root cause of their problem. Once it has been identified successfully, a professional advice can be given and a healthy regimen is provided so that they can walk on the road to a drug and alcohol-free life once again.

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